Memcached is a data caching system, which is used to optimize the speed of database-powered websites by caching the queries and the responses between the user and the server. Simply put, every time a particular page on such a site is requested, the script queries its database to get the information that should be displayed to the website visitor. In case the latter clicks on a hyperlink to open a different page, the entire procedure is repeated and this leads to multiple database calls and excessive load on the server, even more so if the site has a lot of concurrent visitors. Memcached "remembers" this information exchange, so if any of these pages is visited again, the script no longer needs to extract any data from the database, as everything is delivered by the caching platform. In this way, the overall speed of your site will "soar" and you will have more satisfied visitors and they’ll be able to navigate through your site faster. What’s more, the Memcached platform updates its cache when any information in the database is updated, so the site users will never wind up seeing outdated content.

Memcached in Website Hosting

You can use the Memcached caching system with all website hosting that we offer. It is offered as an upgrade, which you can order with only a couple of mouse clicks via your Hepsia web hosting Control Panel. It requires an extension, which is already installed on our cloud web hosting platform, so you can begin using Memcached once you add it. The upgrade is subdivided into two parts, which will give you more freedom depending on the Internet sites that you want to use it for. The first part indicates the number of the sites that will use the Memcached caching system, or the so-called ‘instances’, while the second one is related to the memory, in other words – to how much content the system will be able to cache. You can order more memory in increments of 16 megabytes and the more memory you’ve got, the more content will be cached, which may be a very good idea for regularly visited websites with large databases and lots of visitors. In this way, you can accelerate the overall performance of every script-based website hosted on our servers without any efforts.