If you are searching for a better web hosting service and want to change your provider, you'll have to relocate the Internet site content to the web hosting servers of the new business. While this could be carried out very easily for a small HTML website, it can be more complicated to move a script-driven site, which employs a database, not to mention when you have several sites. You'll have to move a large amount of files, databases and e-mails, not mentioning that you shall have to import everything on the new web server and change many system settings in order to get the Internet sites online on the new Internet hosting platform. To save you the time and the effort to move your content, we offer a free website migration service, so based on the sort of hosting and the particular plan you select, our technical support could transfer even a number of websites for you, making certain that the way they look and perform shall be identical.

Assisted Website Migration in Website Hosting

The service is available with every single website hosting service which we offer, so the moment your new account is functioning, you could contact us to set up the migration procedure. Our professional technical support can transfer even numerous Internet sites depending on the particular plan you have signed up for and shall test out each of them on our end to make sure that everything runs properly when you point your domain to our innovative cloud hosting platform. Thus, you won't see any downtime of your Internet sites because the exact same content shall show up as soon as the new domain name servers propagate. We can easily move any type of Internet site, including a custom-built one, so long as it runs on a Linux-powered web server and it isn't built by using a closed-source platform such as Wix or Weebly since we can't access the actual site files. The entire migration procedure is typically executed within 24-48 hours and we shall inform you the minute we are done.