If you’ve ever got any enquiries with regard to your web hosting plan or you face a problem with your sites, you’ll need to get in touch with the web hosting company’s client support team. It may not make a difference how quickly they’ll answer if you’ve got a general question, but a problem like a faulty software application update, for example, may lead to your site becoming damaged or unavailable on the web. And the longer you wait for the support team to assist you, the longer the website will be down. If you offer services or goods online, any downtime will affect your website in a damaging way and you may lose existing or potential customers. Lots of hosting providers, mainly resellers, answer e-mails and support tickets within twenty four hours, but in the electronic era that is far too long, since visitors will rarely revisit a website that isn’t working correctly over a lengthy span of time.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Website Hosting

Our guaranteed max reaction time for any helpdesk ticket that you open or any e-mail that you send is just sixty minutes, even in case you contact us on weekends and public holidays. Regardless of the essence of your enquiry or problem, we will lend a hand right away and will provide you with the needed info to resolve any problem with your websites. The real response time typically does not exceed fifteen to twenty minutes, so you can forget about waiting for hours and hours to get an issue solved or even worse than that – waiting around all day only to obtain an answer that more information is required while nothing is sorted out. We’ll give you assistance in a well-timed manner as we realize just how precious time can be in the dynamic electronic space. The 1-hour response guarantee is valid for any technical or billing question that you might have connected with our website hosting.